
if we find 2x more we can have a good game :)


Oskar and Jun-Seong will join tomorrow as well!

Aleksi ilmoittautui in

Teams will be divided on the field at 16:01!

Aleksi ilmoittautui in

Just a friendly reminder that floorball starts at 16:00, not 16:15 :)))


Mietin että pitäskö mennä huomenna. 0 in, 8 out. 😂

Aleksi ilmoittautui out

I guess not enough players today?


I quess. 3 vs 3 is little bit hardcore :)


3 vs 3 is fine for me!


Uh... the number just dropped to 5 people. I think its a no go today :(


We could try to mix up the teams a bit. To make this happen everyone coming to play should either take 2 shirts, preferably one light color (can be the usual white) and one dark colour, or altenatively get a vest that has two colours. Then we can make the teams with the stick mixing technology 🙂
Additionally since the floorball has become a bit more popular once again, we need to limit the number of outside players. Therefore if there is over 14 people signed up for a wednesday game, the later signed up outsider would need to leave their spot to a Naparian. If we use the sign-up properly the potential players will easily be able to see if they can fit into the game or not, so please try to make up your mind about joining floorball early and remember to keep the nimenhuuto up to date 🙂


Sounds good to me!


Sounds good!

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